
Psoriasis is a noncontagious, chronic skin condition that first shows signs in those between 15 and 25 years of age. Approximately 3% of the population worldwide has it.

It often appears on the scalp, elbows, and knees. It looks like a thick, red, scaly patch on the skin. Nails are often affected as well. About a third of the people with psoriasis have a family history of it. Men and women are equally effected, but women tend to have it at an earlier age.

It is often very itchy and unsightly. Those with the rash are often embarrassed, and it can impact their self-esteem. Scientists are finding out more and more in research studies that psoriasis indicates increased levels of inflammatory diseases, such as liver disease, heart disease, diabetes, or others.

Possible Causes

Psoriasis is multifactorial, meaning that a combination of genetic factors and environmental triggers can cause it. Infections, medications, and medical comorbidities can contribute to the development of it.

The rash is also associated with rheumatological manifestations. Some of these include arthritis, pain, stiffness, and deformation of one’s joints. It is important to have these treated quickly and early before permanent damage has been done.

Treatment Options

There are many treatments available for it. They start with reviewing over the counter moisturizers and skincare routines. Keeping skin clean from bacteria with high quality, hydrating moisturizers that help to soften the skin are important. Reviewing one’s diet to make sure healthy fruits and vegetables are included in combination with a regular exercise routine can greatly help clear it.

When these measures are not enough, topical steroids and other prescription creams are used to achieve clearance. More extensive disease treatment options can be utilized, which can include ultraviolet light and oral medications such as methotrexate and cyclosporine.

There are many new drugs that are helping those with psoriasis achieve excellent clearance as well. These drugs (biologics) are the newest of the medications developed for psoriasis. These new drugs include Humira (Adalimumab), Stelara (Ustekinumab), Cosyntex (Secukinumab), Taltz (Ixekizumab), and Skyrizi (Risankizumab). They are given as injections that you administer at home and have specific antibodies targeting the inflammation system that causes psoriasis. While they are very powerful and effective medications, they do have potential risks and side effects that should be discussed in detail with your doctor to see if they are appropriate for you.

If you have a rash that you think might be psoriasis and does not respond to over-the-counter creams, you likely need a prescription to achieve clearance. Request an appointment online or call us today at Golden Coast Dermatology, Skin Cancer, and Vein Center.