After Care

Click on your treatment below to find information on after care instructions.


  • Take the bandage off tomorrow.

  • Treat the area like a regular cut.

  • Clean with soap and water in the morning and evening.

  • Use Aquaphor/Cerave or plain Vaseline on the area.

  • Change the bandage every day with a new one for the first week. You can stop at this point if the area appears to be healing properly. 

  • If sutures need to be removed, they should be removed in 7 days (if on the face) and 10 to 14 days (if on the body). Suture removals will be done in our office by one of our medical assistants.

Chemical Peel

  • Skin will resemble having a sunburn.

  • Please limit sun exposure as much as possible for the next week following treatment.

  • If going out in the sun, please use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or higher. We also recommend wearing a wide brim hat.

  • Make up can resume the next day.

  • Do not use any retinoids for 2 weeks.

  • Resist the urge to pick off peeling skin.

Cryotherapy (LN2)

  • The lesion will be red and usually results in a blister or scab. Try to keep the blister intact. 

  • The resulting scab should fall off on its own in about 2 weeks. 

  • A pink or white mark may remain but should fade over time. Patience is key!

  • Please use a small amount of Aquaphor/Cerave or plain Vaseline daily.

  • Keep the area clean with soap and water.

  • Typically, no bandage is required.


  • The lesion will be red and usually results in a scab. 

  • The resulting scab should fall off in about 2 weeks.

  • A pink or white mark may remain but should fade over time. Patience is key!

  • Please use a small amount of Aquaphor/Cerave or plain Vaseline daily. 

  • Typically, no bandage is required.


  • Skin will be red for the next few days, similar to a mild sunburn. 

  • Higher intensity sessions can result in bruising. This should resolve in a few days.

  • Please limit sun exposure as much as possible for the next week following treatment.

  • If going out in the sun, please use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a SPF of 30 or higher. We also recommend wearing a wide brim hat.

  • Keep the skin clean with gentle cleaners (such as Cetaphil) twice a day.

  • Use a hydrating moisturizer at least 3 times a day for the next week.

  • Make up can resume the next day.

  • Do not use retinoids for 2 weeks.

Neurotoxins (Botox & Dysport)

  • Mild swelling may occur after the treatment. Use ice or a cold compress if this happens.

  • Rarely, bruising can occur at the injection sites. This usually resolves in a few days.

  • Please do not lie down for 4 hours after receiving injections.

Surgical Excision

  • Keep dressing clean, dry and intact for 24 hours.

  • After 24 hours, you may remove the dressing.

  • Please clean the surgery site with mild soap and water. Avoid water hitting the site directly. Please refrain from scrubbing the area. Cleanse the wound daily.

  • Pat dry and apply Aquaphor/Cerave or plain Vaseline to the wound twice a day.

  • Do not let the wound dry out or allow a hard “crust” to form.

  • Cover with a non-adherent dressing such as a bandaid or Telfa dressing.

  • We recommend an ointment with silicone or silicone scar pads to help improve the appearance.

  • If painful, take Tylenol, 2 tablets every 4-6 hours. Follow medication instructions. 

  • You can also apply ice, alternating on and off every 20 minutes.

  • Avoid non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Aspirin, Aleve, Motrin, etc.) if possible, as they are more likely to cause bleeding.

  • If bleeding should occur, apply constant pressure for 20 minutes (no breaks to peak at the wound). 

  • If the surgical site was on your head, sleep with your head elevated.

  • If the leg or arm was operated on, elevate the extremity to the best of your ability. 

  • For legs, we also recommend compression socks be worn while awake for the next 2 weeks. 

  • If you had surgery near your mouth or cheeks, avoid excessive chewing or talking for the first 3 days. Semi-soft foods are recommended during this time. 

  • You can start scar cream 1 month after the surgery to help improve the appearance.

  • Avoid any lifting or bending at the waist for 3 days.

  • Avoid lifting anything over 15 pounds until the suture removal. 

  • Avoid alcohol for 2 days and smoking for 1 week following the procedure.